要列印資料,需要設定 PrintPageEvent 以及在內使用,其PrintPageEvent 在 printDocument 的元件中,需要將其拖曳至 Windows Form。
printDocument1.PrintPage += printPageEvent; private void printPageEvent(object sender, System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs e){ Graphics g = e.Graphics; SolidBrush pb = new SolidBrush(Color.Black); Single left = printDocument1.DefaultPageSettings.Margins.Left - 10; Single top = printDocument1.DefaultPageSettings.Margins.Top - 20; g.DrawString("Enchanté", new Font("微軟正黑體",pb,left,top)); }列印圖片:
void printPage(object sender,PrintPageEventArgs e){ Point location = new Point(0,0); Image img = Image.FromFile(@"C:\Test.jpg"); e.Graphics.DrawImage(img,location); }圖片下方加入文字,再列印:
void printPage(object sender,PrintPageEventArgs e){ Bitmap img = new Bitmap(xx,xxHeight + 80); // set height to 80, may text can show under the picture Graphics g = ... // .... image Font f = new Font("微軟正黑體", 18, FontStyle.Italic | FontStyle.Bolid); String text = "Ravi de vous rencontrer!"; g.MeasureString(text,f); g.DrawString(text, f , Brushes.Black,this.Width - 500,this.Height + 8); Point location = new Point(0,0); e.Graphics.DrawImage(img,location); }